Do Things That Don't Scale LogoDo Things That Don't Scale

Get in Touch

Let's chat about the unsexy side of business growth.

Hey, it's Rajat here!

Got a story about an unscalable action that led to incredible growth? I'm all ears!

Or maybe you're struggling to embrace the "do things that don't scale" mindset and need a pep talk? I've been there, and I'd love to help.

Whatever's on your mind, don't hesitate to reach out. This isn't some big corporate site - it's just me, and I read every message personally.

Drop Me a Line

You can reach me at:

[email protected]

I try to respond to every email within a day or two. And yes, I write each reply myself - that's one of those unscalable things I swear by!

What to Expect

When you reach out, you're not getting an autoresponder or a VA. You're getting me, Rajat, in all my caffeinated, entrepreneurial glory.

I'm always excited to hear about your experiences, answer questions, or just geek out about the power of unscalable actions in business.

So don't be shy - let's start a conversation and see where it takes us!